
How to make a bank trading Memecoins

Memecoins have made a massive impact on the crypto market and have become an inseparable part of it!

Its safe to say that dogecoin was the first memecoin that give birth to the movement, that would later grow to a multi-billion dollar market with a community as passionate as none other.

Dogecoin is no longer the only meme coin worth looking into, as there are new potential memecoins launching almost daily, and if you know how to trade them - you can make enormous gains!

But its a space where you must be very careful, as almost anyone can launch their own token and most of them are usually just straight on scams!

Checkout how are we trading memecoins & what were the reasons that made us keep holding $GROK since day 1 to more than x50, even though there was huge FUD and the price dropped massively & $HOGE to more than x1000, also with huge swings!

$Hoge call from our twitter, before it did x1000!

How to do it 👇

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