
UIltimate Microcap Trading Guide – Skyrocket your Portfolio!

Lets dive deep into strategy for trading microcaps to build your portfolio.

This is one of the best ways to make some serious money even from a small portfolio.

But at the same time this is the most risky approach to crypto.

Our goal is to minimize that risk and preserve capital while giving ourselves a chance for big gains.

One of the hardest things at trading microcaps is taking profits. Anyone who ever traded microcaps has experienced buying a coin and then woke up to that coin being up 3x. 

Naturally your first reaction should be taking profits, at least take out an initial. But no, you are greedy and already started calculating how much money you will have after another 3x. Just one more day then I take profits, right?

(Guilty of that as well, we are all just people).

This is why you need a strategy when it comes to trading microcaps and most importantly stick to that strategy.

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